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Overview / History


front of Meadow Creek Elementary


Meadow Creek was established in 1989. Academic excellence is reflected in outstanding academic success, high expectations, quality staff, and involved families. Our positive climate is exhibited by bright hallways and learning spaces with quality student products on display. Open to new and innovative educational ideas, Meadow Creek meets the needs of all of its students' needs through various enrichment, intervention, and support strategies. A wide spectrum of experiences are available to students through fine arts, PE, and the core content areas. 

Meadow Creek is one of three campuses that host the Spanish Immersion program. This outstanding program provides an immersion education in Spanish that begins in first grade and continues through sixth grade.With a large volunteer program and strong parental participation, Meadow Creek is able to provide many special activities throughout the year. These activities include Dolphin Rallies, family engagement nights, field trips, musical programs, and field day. Students also participate in before and after-school activities including art club, cheerleading club, yearbook club, Wave Runners, and the Dolphin Choir. 

Meadow Creek is an outstanding school with wonderful teachers, students, and families that help make it a great place to be each day!